How to add donation amount and date smartcode for acknowledgment letters
I'd like to include the donation amount and date within my acknowledgement letter form. Is there anyway to add the donation amount as a smartcode? With any organization we've always included the donation amount. Not sure why Keela missed this?
Official comment
Hi April,
Nicole, here from Keela's Customer Care Team!
This is our first iteration of smartcodes here at Keela and it is currently limited to contact data such as name, preferred name, email and so forth. That said, this idea to use smartcodes for transactional data is currently under consideration by our Product Team! I would recommend clicking here to vote for this idea in our Product Portal. This way our Product Team can track user demand and you can stay up to date on any updates related to this idea submission.
Our Product Team uses the ideas from the Product Portal to buildout new enhancements and functionality, so your participation does not go unnoticed!
Happy New Year! 😊
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