Are you syncing transactions to QBO and notice the sync status of "Error"? This means that this transaction is unable to sync between Keela and QBO. No worries! We've outlined some of the most common QBO error codes and how to mitigate this.
Identifying the Error Code
The first step is looking at the Error message by clicking on the transaction within the Sync History.
Common Error Codes
"The name supplied already exists : null"
This means that another customer, supplier or employee on your QuickBooks account already exists with this name. You can manage this by changing the display name or editing the duplicate contact. For more information, you can find more details from QBO here.
"Server Issue"
This is a general error which typically means that QBO is encountering some sort of server issues. Once QuickBooks has resolved this issue, the status should automatically update.
"Email does not have correct format"
This error reflects an issue with the associated client e-mail. You can edit this e-mail in Keela or QBO.
"The customer you have specified has been deleted."
When you receive this error code from QBO, this indicates that your contact in QBO with an identical display name has been Archived. You can manage this on QBO by restoring the inactive customer name.
"Invalid Reference Id: [Details about element]"
This error occurs when a transaction is trying to sync, but an account/class/product/service on the transaction has been deleted. Please check-in with your mapped Sync Settings and accountant to ensure all of these fields are still active in your QBO. Once they have been restored, you can resync the transactions.
Are you experiencing a different error? Let us know! You can reach out to us at and we'll help you identify the issue and point you in the right direction.