Are you encountering irregular glitches, can't edit content, or preview your Communications (Email Marketing or Direct Mail), Receipts or Forms as expected? This might be due to the Browser you are using! We always recommend using Google Chrome (a high-power browser) to run Keela as it ensures the most optimal functionality and seamless user experience.
Browser Troubleshooting
If you are experiencing any unusual glitches, we recommend following the steps below:
- Make sure you are using Google Chrome as your browser - Keela is the most compatible with Chrome.
- Try clearing your browser's cookies and cache.
- Try restarting your browser.
Successful Browser Troubleshooting Use-Cases
What kind of issues have these browser troubleshooting tips solved? Here are some examples:
- Receipt, Communication, and Form previews are appearing blank
- Contact or Transaction details can't be edited
- Incoming messages won't load
- Keela's webpage is displaying errors (can't scroll, can't click, etc).
So, if Keela is most compatible with Google Chrome will that affect how my contacts who are using other browsers can view or interact with my Communications or Forms?
No! Our Forms, Communication tools, etc. are compatible with all browsers. It's only when using Keela's administrative back-end to use and create these tools, where Google Chrome works best. Keela has high-power tools that required high-power browsers!
Still having troubles? Reach out to our Customer Care Team at for help!