Looking for a more efficient way to log your volunteer's hours? You've come to the right place!
Here you can learn how volunteers can independently submit their volunteer hours via a Keela Form! For other tips and tricks check-out this great webinar: Volunteer Management. If you skip to the 38-minute mark, you can follow along as Elsie goes over the steps below!
Let's jump right in!
1) Let's start by creating a Custom Form, which volunteers will fill out after every shift
2) Add the following questions in the Form's Setup tab. These questions are specifically chosen to match with Keela fields so you can have a seamless import (more on that later!).
- Impact Area: Indicate your various Impact Areas that Volunteers can contribute their time to.
- Answer Type: Multiple Choice (Single Select).
- Make this answer required by checking the "Required" check-box on the Form Setup.
- Start Date: Indicate when the shift took place
- Answer Type: Simple Date
- Make this answer required by checking the "Required" check-box on the Form Setup.
- Hours: Indicate how long the shift was.
- Answer Type: Numbers
- Make this question required by checking the "Required" check-box on the Form Setup.
- Description: This is an optional question that would allow your volunteers to add any notes about their volunteer session.
- Answer Type: Multi-line text
3) Head to the Designer tab and leverage the Body section to add any descriptions about the purpose of the form and any possible definitions for the questions being asked (Impact Areas, Description, etc).
4) Publish and Share the Form so all volunteers have access, whether that's posted to your website or an internal channel, or a printed QR to scan in the back room.
5) Determine how frequently you want to log this information in Keela (weekly, bi-weekly, etc). Once you begin receiving responses and it is time to export them, filter the Form Responses according to this particular time period. Apply the Filter.
6) Export the filtered Form Responses.
7) Remove any blank columns or irrelevant information on your CSV file.
8) Re-import this edited CSV as a Volunteer Records Import.
9) Voila! Your volunteer records have just been updated based on your volunteer's Form Responses.