Once you've finished setting up your Receipt Details, it's time to move on to the Acknowledgement Letters.
This section of Receipts & Emails tab lets you customize the:
- Automated emails that are sent out when someone makes a payment through your online Keela forms (Donation Forms, Revenue Forms or Membership Forms).
- Automated emails that are sent when you or a team member manually logs a Donation, Revenue or Membership payment in your account.
- Printable letters that you can choose to generate when creating a receipt for a manually logged Donation, Revenue or Membership record in your account.
Donation - Acknowledgement & Thank You
What is the Donation Acknowledgement & Thank You Letter?
Think of this as a way of personalizing the thank you message that your donors will receive when they make a donation to your organization. It will be used to accompany the official Donation Receipt that you've set up in your account.
How will the Donation Letter be sent?
This depends on how the donation was made to your organization and if the donation receipt is being emailed or not. We've included the different variations below:
(1) Donation made through online Keela Donation Form
The Acknowledgement & Thank You letter will make up the email that is sent automatically whenever a donor submits a donation through your online Keela Donation Form.
(2) Donation manually logged in your Keela account and receipt is emailed
If you or a team member log a donation manually in your Keela account, you'll have the option to send the receipt for that donation as an email automatically at the end of the process. In this scenario, the Acknowledgement & Thank You letter will make up the email that is sent automatically with the donation receipt.
(3) Donation manually logged in your Keela account and receipt is printed
If you or a team member log a donation manually in your Keela account, you'll have the option to download the receipt to your computer and print it out for mailing. In this scenario, the Acknowledgment & Thank You letter will be formatted as a thank you letter that will accompany the receipt (two pages).
Revenue - Acknowledgement & Thank You
What is the Revenue Acknowledgement & Thank You Letter?
Think of this as a way of personalizing the thank you message that your contacts will receive when they make a revenue payment to your organization. It will be used to accompany the official Revenue Transaction Receipt that you've set up in your account.
How will the Revenue Letter be sent?
This depends on how the revenue payment was made to your organization and if the revenue transaction receipt is being emailed or not. We've included the different variations below:
(1) Revenue payment made through online Keela Revenue Form
The Acknowledgement & Thank You letter will make up the email that is sent automatically whenever a contact submits a revenue payment through your online Keela Revenue Form.
(2) Revenue manually logged in your Keela account and receipt is emailed
If you or a team member log a revenue payment manually in your Keela account, you'll have the option to send the receipt for that payment as an email automatically at the end of the process. In this scenario, the Acknowledgement & Thank You letter will make up the email that is sent automatically with the revenue transaction receipt.
(3) Revenue manually logged in your Keela account and receipt is printed
If you or a team member log a revenue payment manually in your Keela account, you'll have the option to download the receipt to your computer and print it out for mailing. In this scenario, the Acknowledgment & Thank You letter will be formatted as a thank you letter that will accompany the revenue transaction receipt (two pages).
Recurring Donation - Confirmation
What is the Recurring Donation Confirmation Letter?
This is the confirmation email that a donor will receive to let them know that a recurring donation has been created on their behalf at your organization and letting them know the frequency and amount that they will be charged in the future.
How will the Recurring Donation Confirmation Letter be sent?
It will be sent via email, automatically, in the below two scenarios:
1. A donor sets up their recurring donation through your online Keela Donation Form
2. You or a team member manually log a new recurring donation on a Contact's profile with accompanying credit card details
If this is just a Confirmation Letter, what about the receipt?
The confirmation email will only be sent on the day that the recurring donation is created. After this, your donor will receive receipts for their recurring donations in accordance with whatever receipt settings are chosen during the set up process. These include:
- Online Keela Donation Form - the donor can choose to receive single receipts or cumulative receipts for their recurring donations (if you've toggled this option on in your form)
- Manually Logged Donations - you and your team members can choose for the donor to receive single receipts or cumulative receipts when manually logging the recurring donation in your Keela account
Recurring Revenue - Confirmation
What is the Recurring Revenue Confirmation Letter?
This is the confirmation email that a contact will receive to let them know that a recurring revenue payment has been created on their behalf at your organization and letting them know the frequency and amount that they will be charged in the future.
How will the Recurring Revenue Confirmation Letter be sent?
It will be sent via email, automatically, in the below two scenarios:
1. A contact sets up their recurring revenue payment through your online Keela Revenue Form
2. You or a team member manually log a new recurring revenue payment on a Contact's profile with accompanying credit card details
If this is just a Confirmation Letter, what about the receipt?
The confirmation email will only be sent on the day that the recurring revenue payment is created. After this, your contact will receive receipts for their recurring revenue payments in accordance with whatever receipt settings are chosen during the set up process. These include:
- Online Keela Revenue Form - the contact can choose to receive single receipts or cumulative receipts for their recurring revenue payments (if you've toggled this option on in your form)
- Manually Logged Revenue payments - you and your team members can choose for the contact to receive single receipts or cumulative receipts when manually logging the recurring revenue payments in your Keela account
Membership Subscription - Confirmation
What is the Membership Subscription Confirmation Letter?
This is the confirmation email that a contact will receive to let them know that a Membership Subscription and payment has been created on their behalf at your organization and letting them know the start/end date and membership fee details.
How will the Membership Subscription Confirmation Letter be sent?
It will be sent via email, automatically, in the below two scenarios:
1. A contact sets up their membership subscription through your online Keela Membership Form
2. You or a team member manually log a new membership subscription on a Contact's profile with accompanying credit card details
If this is just a Confirmation Letter, what about the receipt?
The member may also receive a copy of a revenue transaction receipt, depending on how the payment is made:
- Online Keela Membership Form - the contact will receive a Revenue Receipt on top of the Membership Confirmation email.
- Manually Logged Membership Subscriptions - you and your team members can choose whether or not you'd like the contact to receive a receipt or a confirmation letter or both during this process.
Membership Renewal - Reminder
What is the Membership Renewal Reminder Letter?
This is the automated email that Keela will send to your Contacts to remind them to renew their Membership 10 days before its expiry date. It will contain a Renew Online button that your members can click to renew their membership. It will only be sent to members whose Membership plan has not been set up to automatically renew.
How will the Membership Renewal Reminder Letter be sent?
It will be sent via email, automatically, in the below two scenarios:
1. A contact sets up their membership subscription through your online Keela Membership Form and did not choose to auto-renew (where the option was made available by you or your team member)
2. You or a team member manually log a new membership subscription on a Contact's profile with accompanying credit card details for a membership subscription plan that did not have auto-renew set up on it
Re-Send Receipts
This email template will be used when you are Re-Sending a receipt from a transaction record.