Welcome to the Keela family!
We're so excited to have you joining us and can't wait to see the wonderful things that we'll be able to accomplish together.
Your time is precious and we get that. That's why we've created this Guide!
We are Keela experts (no surprises there, right?) and over the years we've gathered lots of data about the best way to get set up when you're new. We've synthesized all of this into a step-by-step guide that you can follow to set your Organization up for success.
Buckle up, let's get started!
Chapter Goal/s
At the end of this chapter, you will:
- Know exactly how the onboarding process works
- Feel confident using the Getting Started Guide
- Have set aside some time to complete your set up
Chapter Task/s
Watch this quick 2-minute video to learn how to use this Guide!
What's Next?
I like your enthusiasm! Head on over to You Are Here: A tour of the Knowledge Base! for the next step of your onboarding journey.