Managing your Contacts
You can add up to 250 contacts to your starter account. When someone gives a gift through your Keela Donation Form, they'll also be automatically added as a new Contact to your Keela account.
2. Managing a Contact's Profile
Managing your Donations
When someone gives a gift through your Keela Donation Form, their donation will be automatically added to their new contact profile and the Fundraising tab in Keela. Don’t forget to enter any other relevant transactions that may have occurred.
1. Fundraising Tab training session
Managing your Form Responses
When someone submits a gift through your Keela Donation Form, their responses will be stored within the Form Responses tab.
1. How to Navigate the form's Responses Tab
2. How to Navigate the form's Fundraising Tab
What if I want to use Keela's Other Features?
If you would like to access more of Keela's features, you can do this by purchasing a regular subscription plan in your Organization Settings.
1. Changing Your Subscription Plan
We hope your Keela Starter plan supports you as you grow!