We've created two different ways to help you keep your Forms organized and ensure that only the forms that you need are displayed in your Forms section.
Closing your Form
Before Archiving or Deleting your Form, please follow the below steps. This will ensure that your form is no longer able to accept form submissions, in case any of your Contacts try to access the form in the future (ie. From an old Email or Social Media Post).
(1) Check the status of your Form
Navigate to Forms and view the Status column of the Form you would like to Archive:
- Published or Draft - Continue on with these steps
- Closed - Skip these steps and proceed to Archive Your Form or Delete Your Form
(2) Close the Form
If the status is Published or Draft, click on the Form > In the Overview tab, click Change Status > Click Close
(3) Ensure that the Form Closed Page information has been updated correctly
Click on the Designer tab > Click on Form Closed Page > Make any adjustments that you need to the messages that will appear if your Contacts try to access this form after it's been closed.
Tip: If you have replaced this form, you can add the URL for the new form in this message!
Archive your Form
Navigate to Forms > Select the Form/s you would like to Archive using the Multi-Select Tool > Click on the Actions button
Click on Archive
Your Form/s will be moved to the Archive tab
Delete your Form
Navigate to Forms > Select the Form/s you would like to Delete using the Multi-Select Tool > Click on the Actions button
Click Delete
Warning: Please double-check your Form before deleting it. Once it's deleted it cannot be undone.