Once you've created your Form in Keela, you'll notice that there are four tabs that can be accessed within this form.
In this article, we're going to take a look at the Overview tab which is the first one on the list!
Preview Button
The Preview button allows you to see how your form looks in a stand-alone web browser.
Note: We recommend going through the full design (the next steps in these articles!) process before using the Preview button.
Actions Button
The Action button allows you to make changes and adjustments to the settings of your form. Click on the button to access the below drop-down list.
(1) Edit
The Edit option will allow you to adjust any of the information fields that were available when you were first creating your form such as the Form's Name or the Campaign that it is connected to.
(2) Duplicate
The Duplicate option allows you to save a new copy of the form. This can be handy if you are intending to make several versions of the same form with slight differences.
Note: This is an exact duplication, including the Form Type (ie. Donation Form will duplicate to a Donation Form).
(3) Archive
Don't need this form anymore? The Archive option allows you to save the form and its responses in your Form Archive so that it will no longer appear in your Forms section.
(4) Delete
Don't need his form at all? The Delete option allows you to permanently remove the Form from your Keela account. Be sure to double-check that this form definitely needs to be deleted before proceeding!
Publish Button
All newly created forms will have their Status automatically set to Draft. This allows you to customize and adjust the settings and appearance of your form before it's able to be shared with the public.
When you're finished and ready to share the form with your Contacts, click on the Publish button.
Tip: Be sure to complete the full design process before publishing your form.
Form Type, Name and Associated Campaign
These three pieces of information were chosen when you first created your form.
If you would like to change the name of the form or connect it to an existing Campaign, click on the Actions button (outlined above) and select Edit.
Note: You cannot change the Form's Type (Donation, Revenue, etc) once it's been created. Instead, we recommend recreating the form from scratch so that the form responses can be kept consistent.
Form Responses
Once you've made your form public and shared it with your contacts, you may start to receive responses. A quick overview of these will be available in this section and you can find a more detailed outlook in the Responses Tab.
What's Next?
Let's heard over to 3. The Setup Tab to learn how you can add questions, fields and adjust your form's Setup!