Now that you're familiar with the Forms Interface, let's take a look at how you can create one in Keela.
Click on Forms in the sidebar > Click on the New Form button > Select your Form Type
Choose Your Form's Details
(1) Form Name
The name of the form will appear on your Forms page and will be used as an internal reference for you and your team members.
(2) Campaign
You can connect your form to a Campaign. When creating a new form, choose your Campaign from the drop-down list. If you don't have a Campaign set up yet, not to worry! You can always come back to edit this information later.
Note: Any payments that are made through your forms will be automatically assigned to this Campaign.
(3) Description
Here, you can enter some details about what sort of form this is and what it should be used for. This can be a great place to leave notes or directions for your team members!
(4) Assignee
The Assignee is the team member who is the owner of this form. It will automatically default to whoever created the form but you can choose any team member with the appropriate access permissions from the drop-down list. Assignees will receive notifications pertaining to this Form.
(5) Followers
Followers are those additional team members who can receive notifications each time a response is submitted through this form.
Note: Only existing team members with the correct permissions can be added as Followers to a form.
Once you've finished updating the above 6 fields (if applicable), click Save.
What's Next?
You've created your form, let's get it Setup! Head here to learn how to customize the Setup of your form.