Exporting data in Keela follows the same basic steps:
1. Selecting your dataset (contacts, transactions, memberships, etc.)
2. Clicking Export (the little paper icon
3. Choosing the export columns (what data you want to see on the export)
4. Downloading your export!
Look below to learn more about how to export the various datasets in Keela!
Exporting Contacts
You can export all contacts, a custom group of contacts, or a single contact profile.
Export all Contacts
1. Click on Contacts in the sidebar > click on the Export icon
2. Next, we'll ask you to confirm a few details about how you would like your data exported:
- Export Template - You can select a pre-built template from your Personal Settings. To set this up, navigate on over here.
- Available Columns - The fields that you would like to include on your export
- Save columns as new export template - If you'd like to use this customized template again, save it for later use!
3. Click Save and you'll be taken to the last step to confirm and provide a File Name of your choosing.
4. You'll receive a notification that your export is being processed with a link to your Export History (depending on the size of your export, it may take a couple of minutes for your export to be ready).
5. When it's ready, the Bell Icon at the top of your screen will flash orange. Click this notification to download your export!
Export Group of Contacts
To export a custom group of contacts, you can use the Filters tool which allows you to filter out the contacts that you want to export.
1. In the Contacts tool, apply the relevant Filters used to generate your consolidated list.
2. Once you see the list of contacts you want to export displayed click on the Export icon.
3. Confirm your export details (see Export All Contacts for additional information).
4. You'll receive a notification that your export is being processed with a link to your Export History if needed (depending on the size of your export, it may take a couple of minutes for your export to be ready).
5. When it's ready, the Bell Icon at the top of your screen will flash orange. Click this notification to download your export!
Export Fundraising Transactions
Exporting Fundraising Transactions
1. Head to the Transactions Tool
2. Select the Transactions you want to export (see Export All Contacts/Export Groups of Contacts above for additional information).
3. Confirm your export details.
4. You'll receive a notification that your export is being processed with a link to your Export History if needed (depending on the size of your export, it may take a couple of minutes for your export to be ready).
5. When it's ready, the Bell Icon at the top of your screen will flash orange. Click this notification to download your export!
Exporting Receipts
1. Head to the Transactions Tool
2. Select the Transactions you want to export (see Export All Contacts/Export Groups of Contacts above for additional information).
3. Click Actions
4. Select Download receipts as .zip
Export Reports
In your Report, click on the Data tab > Click on the Export icon > Confirm your export details (see Export All Contacts for additional information)
When it's ready, the Bell Icon at the top of your screen will flash orange. Click this notification to download your export!
Export Memberships
When exporting Membership Subscriptions, you have two options: exporting Membership Subscriptions in bulk or exporting Membership Subscriptions for a specific Plan.
Exporting Memberships in Bulk
To export Membership Subscriptions in bulk, head to your Membership Plans list > select the Membership Plans that you want to export the Subscriptions for > click 'Actions' > 'Export Membership Subscriptions'.
Exporting Memberships for a Specific Plan
To export Membership Subscriptions for a specific Plan, head to the Membership Plan > click the export button in the header row.
Exporting Interactions
1. Head to the Contacts Tool and then to Interactions
2. Click on the export button
3. Confirm your export details.
4. You'll receive a notification that your export is being processed with a link to your Export History if needed (depending on the size of your export, it may take a couple of minutes for your export to be ready).
5. When it's ready, the Bell Icon at the top of your screen will flash orange. Click this notification to download your export!
Why are my personal Export Templates not showing up in the drop-down when I export my data?
When you create an export template in Personal Settings, you will be asked to choose which resource you want the export template to be for. You will then only see the export template option when you are in that specific resource. For example, if I create a new export template for membership subscriptions, this export template will only be available when I export membership subscriptions specifically.
The same concept applies to creating an export template from the export data prompt that comes up when you export your data. For example, if I export contacts and want to save the template, it will only appear as an option for contact exports.