We spent a bit of time in our Introduction to the Import Data Process training videos chatting about how the Import Process works as well as some general advice on how to perform Data Prep.
Before you Get Started
- Don't feel like completing these steps yourself? No worries! We also provide Data Formatting and/or Data Importing as Professional Onboarding Services. You can reach out to us at support@keela.com for details on all of this!
- Not sure where to start with your spreadsheets? There is an Excel Template at the bottom of this page that is built to suit Keela's Accepted Fields.
How to Format Your Donation Data
In this video, we'll discuss all of the things that you need to know about formatting your Donation Data before importing it into Keela. You'll see an explanation of how to compare your data with our Accepted Fields, things to look out for in your spreadsheet as well as an explanation on some of Keela's terminology.
Note: Please see Keela's Accepted Fields (Step 4) below in this article for up-to-date import fields & accepted values.
Step 1: Gather your Data
If this is your first import, you may have data spread across many different sources (spreadsheets, petitions, data stored in other CRMs), so take this opportunity to bring all your donation data together to import to one place - Keela! You can consolidate all your contacts into one spreadsheet OR you can import each contact data set separately, it's up to you!
Step 2: Import Contacts
We highly recommend importing the contact data before moving forward with the donation data for easy contact matching.
When contacts already exist in Keela, Keela will automatically match the donations to the correct contact during the import using the Duplicate Management Rules. If donations are imported without an existing contact record in Keela, a new Contact will be created as a result. It is best practice to check your Duplicates Manager after each Import to ensure no duplicates were created during the process. Managing Duplicate Contacts.
Step 3: Audit your Data
(1) Ensure that your data is consistent in each column. For example, if the column header is “First Name”, you’ll want to make sure that column contains only first names - not last names, company names etc.
(2) To create a revenue record for a company or other organization (an entity - not a person), make sure that you fill in Organization Name under Company Name and enter Company in the Contact Type. More details provided below in the chart.
(3) Create one row per donation record and make sure each row has a contact's name or email. For donors that have made multiple donations over the years, that means there will be several rows for each person, like this:
Step 4: Compare Data to Keela Requirements
The next step is to refer to the template at the bottom of this page and the chart below to see what fits with the Keela criteria.
During the import process, Keela will ask you to match each column in your file with a field in Keela, so you'll want to prepare your files so the header and data in each column correspond with a Keela field.
Depending on your data, you may also need to do some cleanup such as:
- removing columns you don't need
- adding missing columns
- splitting or consolidating data into columns
If you're using Excel to prepare your data, you can find some helpful instructions for these functions in the Office Help portal here.
Note that unlike contacts, it's not possible to create custom fields for donation records. If you have data that does not belong in one of the fields below, we recommend storing this data in "Notes" or "Keywords".
Accepted Fields
Due to differing compliance laws in each country there are differing Accepted Fields dependant on your region. Please review your regions Accepted Fields below.
Contact Type |
Use this field to specify company donation records |
By default, Keela will import a contact as an 'individual' If the contact record is for a company, write 'Company' |
Company |
Origin ID | Keela's unique ID for existing contacts OR an ID that you provide from a previous CRM |
When importing new data for contacts that already exist in Keela, you can add the Origin ID to allow Keela to match the new data with the existing record. Only strings of numbers and letters will be accepted. No special characters. If you imported your own Origin ID to Keela, we will keep that number in the background, so Keela can match any future records with that ID |
Full Name | The donor's full name | Use this column only if your contact's name isn't separated into First, Middle and Last. | John Michael Smith |
First Name | The donor's first name | Any format will be accepted | Johnny |
Middle Name | The donor's middle name | Any format will be accepted | Michael |
Last Name | The donor's last name | Any format will be accepted | Smith |
The donor's email address | Any format will be accepted | john@abc.com |
Company Name |
Name of the Company for a Company record | Any format will be accepted | ABC Corp |
Gift Type | The type of donation. Note that this varies depending on your country |
Accepted values for AU: Money, Property, Securities
Accepted values for CA: Money, In-kind, Securities |
Money |
Date of Gift | The date of the gift | Please refer to accepted date formats here | 2018-06-30 |
Total Amount of Gift | Total amount of the donation | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $200 |
Transaction ID | Your receipt number or internal reference number | Free form text | KL123456 |
Payment Method | The payment method for the donation | Accepted values: Cash, Check, Cheque, Credit Card, Online, Externally via Stripe, Externally via PayPal, Bank Transfer/EFT Other |
Cheque |
Check/Cheque Number *only accepted if Payment Method is Check/Cheque |
The check/cheque number (if applicable) | Free form text | 1234 |
Check/Cheque Date *only accepted if Payment Method is Check/Cheque |
The date the check/cheque was written | Please refer to accepted date formats here | 2018-06-30 |
Notes | Additional information for donation record | Free form text | Donated in memory of Jackson |
Estimated Value of Non-Cash Contribution | Value for non-monetary donations | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | 200 |
Description of Non-Cash Contribution | Description for non-monetary donations | Free form text | An antique desk |
Good Faith Estimate of Material Benefit Returned to Donor | Estimate of the Advantage/Benefit to the donor | Applies to donations with an advantage/benefit only | $75 |
Description of Material Benefit Returned to Donor | Description of the Advantage/Benefit to the donor | Applies to donations with an advantage/ benefit only | Received banquet ticket |
Recurring |
Is the donation recurring? Note: This is for reporting and filtering only. This will not create a recurring record or new recurring donations in Keela going forward. For more info visit Moving Recurring Donations to Keela |
(Y/N) | Y |
Receipt Status |
Did this donation already receive a receipt?
Ignored [ignore for receipting in Keela], Unreceipted [Also the default if column isn't imported], Receipted [cannot re-receipt in Keela]. |
Unreceipted |
Delivery Status | Has this receipt been delivered? |
Delivered Undelivered Delivered via Email Delivered via Mail |
Delivered |
Foreign Exchange Original Amount | Amount of donation in foreign currency. Please also complete the Total Amount of Gift field with the converted amount. | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $56 |
Foreign Exchange Original Currency | Currency of foreign amount | GBP, USD, CAD, AUD, NZD, EUR | CAD |
Dedication Type | The type of dedication the transaction is dedicated for | ‘In honour of’ or ’In memory of’ or ‘In celebration of’ | In honour of |
Dedication Name | The name of the person the transaction is dedicated to | Free form text | Yash Langley |
Campaign | Campaign or event that resulted in the donation |
Free form text |
2020 Fundraising Gala |
Impact Area | Program or cause area that will benefit from the donation | Free form text | Plant A Tree |
Source | Source attributed to the donation | Free form text | Wilford Foundation Trust |
Keywords | Any keywords you'd like to add to the donation | Separated by a semicolon | Donor Perfect; Referred by Jonny |
Contact Type |
Use this field to specify company donation records |
By default, Keela will import a contact as an 'individual' If the contact record is for a company, write 'Company' |
Company |
Origin ID | Keela's unique ID for existing contacts OR an ID that you provide from a previous CRM |
When importing new data for contacts that already exist in Keela, you can add the Origin ID to allow Keela to match the new data with the existing record. If you imported your own Origin ID to Keela, we will keep that number in the background, so Keela can match any future records with that ID |
Full Name | The donor's full name | Use this column only if your contact's name isn't separated into First, Middle and Last. | John Michael Smith |
First Name | The donor's first name | Any format will be accepted | Johnny |
Middle Name | The donor's middle name | Any format will be accepted | Michael |
Last Name | The donor's last name | Any format will be accepted | Smith |
The donor's email address | Any format will be accepted | john@abc.com |
Company Name |
Name of the Company for a Company record | Any format will be accepted | ABC Corp |
Gift Type | The type of donation. Note that this varies depending on your country |
Accepted values for AU: Money, Property, Securities
Accepted values for CA: Money, In-kind, Securities |
Money |
Date of Gift | The date of the gift | Standard date formats will be accepted (e.g. 1959-01-31,01/31/1959, , 31-Jan-1959) | 2018-06-30 |
Total Amount of Gift | Total amount of the donation | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $200 |
Transaction ID | Your receipt number or internal reference number | Free form text | KL123456 |
Payment Method | The payment method for the donation | Accepted values: Cash, Check/Cheque, Credit Card, Online, Externally via Stripe, Externally via PayPal, Bank Transfer/EFT Other |
Cheque |
Check/Cheque Number *only accepted if Payment Method is Check/Cheque |
The check/cheque number (if applicable) | Free form text | 1234 |
Check/Cheque Date *only accepted if Payment Method is Check/Cheque |
The date the check/cheque was written | Please refer to accepted date formats here | 2018-06-30 |
Notes | Additional information for donation record | Free form text | Donated in memory of Jackson |
Full Name of Appraiser | The Appraiser's Full Name | Free form text | John Michael Doe |
Full Address of Appraiser | The Appraiser's Full Address | Free form text | 1234 Main Street, Unit 101 New York City, NY, USA 1001 |
Description of Property Received | Description for non-monetary donations | Free form text | An antique desk |
Amount of Advantage | Estimate of the Advantage/Benefit to the donor | Applies to donations with an advantage/benefit only | $75 |
Description of Advantage | Description of the Advantage/Benefit to the donor | Applies to donations with an advantage/ benefit only | Received banquet ticket |
Recurring |
Is the donation recurring? Note: This is for reporting and filtering only. This will not create a recurring record or new recurring donations in Keela going forward. For more info visit Moving Recurring Donations to Keela |
(Y/N) | Y |
Receipt Status |
Did this donation already receive a receipt?
Ignored [ignore for receipting in Keela], Unreceipted [Also the default if column isn't imported],, Receipted [cannot re-receipt in Keela]. |
Unreceipted |
Delivery Status | Has this receipt been delivered? |
Delivered Undelivered Delivered via Email Delivered via Mail |
Delivered |
Foreign Exchange Original Amount | Amount of donation in foreign currency. Please also complete the Total Amount of Gift field with the converted amount. | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $56 |
Foreign Exchange Original Currency | Currency of foreign amount | Free form text | CAD |
Dedication Type | The type of dedication the transaction is dedicated for | ‘In honour of’ or ’In memory of’ or ‘In celebration of’ | In honour of |
Dedication Name | The name of the person the transaction is dedicated to | Free form text | Yash Langley |
Campaign | Campaign or event that resulted in the donation |
Free form text |
2020 Fundraising Gala |
Impact Area | Program or cause area that will benefit from the donation | Free form text | Plant A Tree |
Source | Source attributed to the donation | Free form text | Wilford Foundation Trust |
Keywords | Any keywords you'd like to add to the donation | Separated by a semicolon | Donor Perfect; Referred by Jonny |
Contact Type |
Use this field to specify company donation records |
By default, Keela will import a contact as an 'individual' If the contact record is for a company, write 'Company' |
Company |
Origin ID | Keela's unique ID for existing contacts OR an ID that you provide from a previous CRM |
When importing new data for contacts that already exist in Keela, you can add the Origin ID to allow Keela to match the new data with the existing record. If you imported your own Origin ID to Keela, we will keep that number in the background, so Keela can match any future records with that ID |
Full Name | The donor's full name | Use this column only if your contact's name isn't separated into First, Middle and Last. | John Michael Smith |
First Name | The donor's first name | Any format will be accepted | Johnny |
Middle Name | The donor's middle name | Any format will be accepted | Michael |
Last Name | The donor's last name | Any format will be accepted | Smith |
The donor's email address | Any format will be accepted | john@abc.com |
Company Name |
Name of the Company for a Company record | Any format will be accepted | ABC Corp |
Gift Type | The type of donation. Note that this varies depending on your country |
Accepted values for AU: Money, Property, Securities
Accepted values for CA: Money, In-kind, Securities |
Money |
Date of Gift | The date of the gift | Standard date formats will be accepted (e.g. 1959-01-31,01/31/1959, , 31-Jan-1959) | 2018-06-30 |
Total Amount of Gift | Total amount of the donation | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $200 |
Transaction ID | Your receipt number or internal reference number | Free form text | KL123456 |
Payment Method | The payment method for the donation | Accepted values: Cash, Check/Cheque, Credit Card, Online, Externally via Stripe, Externally via PayPal, Bank Transfer/EFT Other |
Cheque |
Check/Cheque Number *only accepted if Payment Method is Check/Cheque |
The check/cheque number (if applicable) | Free form text | 1234 |
Check/Cheque Date *only accepted if Payment Method is Check/Cheque |
The date the check/cheque was written | Please refer to accepted date formats here | 2018-06-30 |
Notes | Additional information for donation record | Free form text | Donated in memory of Jackson |
Estimated Value of Property Received | Value for non-monetary donations | With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $500 |
Description of Property Received | Description for non-monetary donations | Free form text | An antique desk |
Recurring |
Is the donation recurring? Note: This is for reporting and filtering only. This will not create a recurring record or new recurring donations in Keela going forward. For more info visit Moving Recurring Donations to Keela |
(Y/N) | Y |
Receipt Status |
Did this donation already receive a receipt?
Ignored [ignore for receipting in Keela], Unreceipted [Also the default if column isn't imported], Receipted [cannot re-receipt in Keela]. |
Unreceipted |
Delivery Status | Has this receipt been delivered? |
Delivered Undelivered Delivered via Email Delivered via Mail |
Delivered |
Foreign Exchange Original Amount | Amount of donation in foreign currency. Please also complete the Total Amount of Gift field with the converted amount. |
With or without currency sign or decimals (eg. 200, 200.00, $200) | $56 |
Foreign Exchange Original Currency | Currency of foreign amount | Free form text | CAD |
Dedication Type | The type of dedication the transaction is dedicated for | ‘In honour of’ or ’In memory of’ or ‘In celebration of’ | In honour of |
Dedication Name | The name of the person the transaction is dedicated to | Free form text | Yash Langley |
Campaign | Campaign or event that resulted in the donation |
Free form text |
2020 Fundraising Gala |
Impact Area | Program or cause area that will benefit from the donation | Free form text | Plant A Tree |
Source | Source attributed to the donation | Free form text | Wilford Foundation Trust |
Keywords | Any keywords you'd like to add to the donation | Separated by a semicolon | Donor Perfect; Referred by Jonny |
Should I change the Headers of the columns in my Data Spreadsheets to match Keela's?
Yes! We recommend changing the headers of your data spreadsheet to exactly match the Field names in the Accepted Fields table above wherever possible. This is because we have a magic tool (okay, it's not magic) that is able to match up these headers during the Import process. If you ensure that these headers match exactly, you'll save yourself a bunch of time later on!
Convert dates to accepted format
Please ensure your donation dates match one of the accepted formats below. Dates in other formats will not be rendered accurately in Keela.
- 2018/1/20 (YYYY/M/DD)
- 2018/08/05 (YYYY/MM/DD)
- 2018-03-06 (YYYY-MM-DD)
- 2/25/2018 (MM/DD/YYYY)
- 09-04-2001 (MM-DD-YYYY)
- 08-05-30 (MM-DD-YY)
- 8/5 (M/D)
- 08-05 (MM-DD)
- Friday, January 5, 2018
- Fri, Jan 5, 2018
- Friday 05 January 2018
- March 3, 2018
- Feb 10, 2018
- 01 Nov 2018
- 05 January 2018
- 05 July
- June
- 5-Aug-1930
- August 5
To separate the day, month and year in your dates, you may use any of the following separators:
- Dash: "-" Example: "2018-01-31"
- Forward slash: "/" Example: "2018/01/31"
- Period: "." Example: "2018.01.31"
- Comma: "," Example "2018,01,31"
Note, if your dates do not have the full 4-digit year, a 2-digit year will be interpreted as follows:
- 00-49 as 20xx (2000 - 2049)
- 50 - 99 as 19xx (1950 - 1999)
Ready to Go? Convert your Data to CSV Format.
Keela accepts only CSV (Comma Separated Values) files for import. If you're working with a different file type, such as XLS, you can save your file to CSV format using Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets or other spreadsheet programs. Just look for the "Save As" or "Export" function in your spreadsheet program to find the option to save it as a CSV.
What's Next?
Do you have any Revenue or Volunteer data to prepare? Head over to these Formatting articles to learn how.
Or, are you ready to Import? Head over to our Importing your Data article to get the skinny on how to do this - you're almost done!