Now that you understand how the Mailchimp Integrations works, follow the steps below to get your MailChimp and Keela accounts synced!
Watch the Integration in Action!
Read a Step-By-Step Guide
Click on your name in the top-right hand corner of Keela > Click on Organization Settings
Click on the Integrations tab > Click the Connect button to the right of the MailChimp logo
Enter your MailChimp username and password > Click Log In
Select the account that you would like to sync (you may only have one)
Note: The time to select an account is limited. If your session expires, you will be directed back to the login screen to try again.
Once the account is chosen, Mailchimp will request authorization to connect Mailchimp and your Keela account. Click Allow to continue
You'll then be directed back to your Keela account and a green Connected label will appear to the right of the MailChimp icon.
What's next?
Head over to our How to sync between MailChimp and Keela article for the next steps!