Create a Membership Plan
To create a membership plan, navigate to Memberships in the sidebar and select New Membership Plan. If you've created at least one membership previously, this button will be at the top right of the page.
Fill out the Information pop-up will membership details:
- Name - the name of your membership plan (note that this will be public if you use a membership form).
- Description - a detailed description of the membership.
- Past Membership - this would be where you would indicate if the membership is a past membership
- Duration - the frequency of the membership fee.
- Fee - the cost of the membership (for free Memberships you can type $0 in).
- Plan status - this would be where you would indicate if the membership is active or inactive.
- Enable Option to renew - option for the membership to renew or be a one-time membership (only available for monthly, quarterly and annual memberships).
NOTE: with One-time Memberships, you will be prompted to choose a Start Date and End Date for the plan. The Start Date is the date the membership begins and the End Date is the expiration date for the membership.
For example: The Theatre Membership is a one-time membership that starts on January 1, 2019 and expires on December 31, 2019 and costs $100. If Betty signs up on July 5, 2019 and pays $100. Her membership will expire on December 31, 2019.
Renewing Memberships
If you create a Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Membership Plan, you will have the option to allow your contacts to renew.
If Auto-Renew is checked, the Membership payment must be processed online via Keela. Please note that the membership renewal will be dependent on the Renewal Settings indicated on the overarching Membership Plan (see below).
If the Auto-Renew is not checked, you will have the option to send an automated renewal reminder email.
To learn how to customize and preview membership email notifications, head to Managing Membership Receipts.
Membership Renewals:
Join date - membership will be renewed on the same day a contact signed up for the membership.
Example: Betty signs up for the Gold membership (month) on February 15, her plan will be renewed on March 15.
Specified date - membership will be renewed on the date specified. You can specify a day within a month or quarter or choose a specific date within a year.
Example options:
- renew every 3rd of the month
- renew every 3rd of the quarter - January, April, July, October
- renew on November 3 every year
Example scenario:
Betty signs up for the Gold membership (month) on February 15. The plan's specified renewal date is every 3rd of the month. Betty's plan will be renewed on March 3 even if she signed up on February 15.
NOTE: if a contact joins a membership plan on a date other than the specified renewal date, they will have two options: 1) start the membership immediately (and they will be charged immediately) or 2) have the membership start on the renewal date.
Viewing Membership Details
You can view the details of your membership by going to the Membership tool > select the membership and you'll see the details to the left:
Managing Membership Plans
To edit a membership plan > go to the Memberships tool > select the membership > click the menu button > select Edit Information.
You'll be able to edit the details of your membership there!
Changing Membership Status
You can also activate and deactivate their membership plans.
Note: when deactivating a membership plan, any existing subscriptions will remain active.
When deactivating a membership that is attached to a published Keela Membership Form, you will be warned that the Membership Plan will be removed from the Form. If this Keela Form only contains the soon-to-be deactivated Form, the Form will be closed completely.
Exporting Memberships
Export membership plan subscriptions (active and expired) by selecting the Membership from the main page > Select Action > Export Membership Subscriptions
You can also export the subscription data from the Membership Plan by selecting the export button at the top of the page.
Deleting Memberships
To delete a membership plan > go to the Memberships tool > select the membership > click the menu button > select Delete.
Now that you know how to create and manage membership forms, its time to learn about Adding and Managing Contacts in Memberships!