Create a new Project
1. Navigate to Projects in the left menu and then click the bright purple button Create Project.
2. Indicate all of your project details:
- Name - The name of your project
- Description - Details for your project
- Due Date - A deadline for your project
- Priority - Use this to help manage your projects
- Members - Other Keela users on your team who can follow project tasks, discuss, and share files with you. Please note that only users who are Members of a Project will have access to the Project. If a user is not a Member of a Project, they will not be able to view the Project.
Click the "Create" button at the bottom right of the screen. Now, you're ready to add Project Tasks!
Editing Project Information
Navigate to Projects in the left menu and then choose a project for editing. Click the Menu button in the Project Overview and Edit Information.
Project Overview Actions
1. Edit Information - Make any adjustments to the setup of your form.
2. Mark as Completed - Finished your project? Update the status to Completed!
3. Duplicate - Use to duplicate your project.
4. Archive - With the archive tool, you can push a project to the side but it will always be available for future reference. Once the Project has been archived, it will be found in the Archive Tab.
5. Delete - This will permanently delete a project in Keela. If you need a record of this project, consider archiving or completing the project.
Project Notifications
Click the Notifications Bell to choose your preferred notification settings. Don't forget to check your Personal Notification settings as well!