Our Tasks tool lets you create and manage project tasks, set deadlines and priority levels, and assign team members and followers to each task that you create. When you use these tools, you can stay organized through every step of your project and never miss a step again!
Create a Task in a Project
Choose your Project on the left-hand menu > Select the Project > Click "Add Task"
Complete the fields in the information form:
- Name - Name of your task
- Description - Details of the task that would be relevant to your team
- Due Date - Deadline for your task
- Notification - If you would like a reminder prior to the Due Date
- Priority - How important is this task to the completing of the project
- Assignee - User responsible for completing the task. By default, when you create a new task, you are set as the 'Assignee', but you can select other people from the drop-down list. Will receive notifications pertaining to this task.
- Follower - Users who will be contributing to and collaborating on the task. They may be an interested party who may want to stay up to date about a particular task but is not directly responsible for completing the task itself. You can have an unlimited number of followers on a single task. Will receive notifications pertaining to this task.
Remember: Each user should take a look at their Personal Notification Settings to ensure they receive these task notifications.
Tip: Don't have an Assignee or any Followers in mind?. Simply leave the fields blank and delete any existing default information when creating the task.
Task Comments
We've made it easy and simple to leave comments on project tasks so that you can always keep all that information together! After you make a task, you can select it from the Project's Tasks tab. You can leave a comment on a task as long as you are either an Assignee or a Follower.
1. Select your Project
2. Click on the Task
3. Write a comment in the chatbox and click send!
Keela Tip: You can also add files by clicking the paper icon beside the "Send Button"
Any comments and files will appear on the 'Task' page. Any files will also appear under the 'File' Page of your task.
Editing Assignees and Followers
If you need to make changes to the assignee or followers of a task, you can do this any time by clicking on the Actions icon in the Task title bar, selecting 'Edit Information', and making your adjustments.
Completing a Task
Congratulations a task is complete! Give yourself the satisfaction of checking it off your list by completing the task in Keela.
There are two ways to mark a task as complete in Keela:
In the project overview
- Bulk select the tasks you would like to complete
- Click the Actions button
- Mark as Completed
In the Task overview
- Select the button Mark as Completed