Navigating to the Zap Builder
Before getting started, make sure you followed the steps in Setting up the Zapier Integration. To create a new Zap, head to your Organizations Settings in Keela > head to the Integrations tab > and scroll to the Zapier integration. Note you will need to have Administrator permissions to access these settings. Under the Zapier integration, click on the 'Go to Zapier' button. You will then be directed to the Zap builder in Zapier.
Create a Zap
To create a Zap within Zapier's Zap builder, click 'Create a Zap' in the top right-hand corner of the builder. Once you click this you will be prompted to set up a ‘Trigger’ as well as an ‘Actions’ to create a workflow.
Setting up a Trigger
A Trigger is the starting point of your workflow. This is where you tell the Zap which external platform (or ‘app’) you want to pull information from to send to Keela. You will also need to choose an ‘Event’ that will occur within that platform that starts the workflow.
For example, if I want to create a contact in Keela when someone fills out a certain form in Typeform (external app), I would choose Typeform as the 'app' and Trigger information to flow into Keela when someone fills out a specific form.
Below are the steps for setting up a Trigger:
Step 1: Choose Trigger
The first step will prompt you to choose the app or platform that you want to pull information from. Zapier has over 5,000 platforms to choose from!
Step 2: Choose Event
Once you choose the platform, you will be prompted to choose the event that triggers the information to flow into Keela. In the example below a new form entry is chosen as the event trigger.
Step 3: Choose Account
After choosing the App & Event, you will be prompted to choose the account on the external platform that you want to be connected to Zapier. You will need to press the ‘Sign in’ button to link the platform to Zapier.
Step 4: Set up Trigger
Once you are signed in, you will be prompted to choose the resource that you want to pull information from. In the example below, a specific form is chosen as the source of information that will be pulled into Keela through the workflow.
FAQ: Can Zapier retroactively pull in information from a platform into Keela (i.e. historical data)?
Step 5: Test Tigger
Once your Trigger is setup, Zapier allows you to ‘test’ your Trigger. It will pull an example from the platform & event Trigger that you chose so you can check that the Trigger is pulling the right information from the right place.
In the next step 'Setting up Actions,' you will be able to choose more specifically which information gets pulled from this resource and sent to Keela.
Setting up an Action
After setting up your Trigger, the next step in creating a Zap is setting up Actions. Actions are what you want to occur after a Trigger event occurs.
For example, if the Trigger event is a response to a specific form, the Actions after that Trigger would be to send information from the form to Keela.
Below are the steps for setting up an Action.
Step 1: Choose an App
The first step of the Action will prompt you to choose the app or platform that you want information sent TO from the external platform you selected in the Trigger setup. Here is where you will want to search and select ‘Keela’.
Step 2: Choose Event
Once you select Keela, you will be prompted to select the event that you want to occur in Keela. There are two event options:
- Create an Individual Contact - this event will create a new contact record with the incoming information from the external platform you chose as the Trigger.
- Create a One-time Donation - this event will create a new one-time transaction record with the incoming information from the external platform you chose as the Trigger. Note: at the moment Keela can create only one-time transaction records through Zapier, this does not include recurring transactions.
Step 3: Choose Account
Once you choose your event type, you will be prompted to ‘Sign in’ to your Keela account.
When you click ‘Sign in’ a pop-up window will appear where you will be asked to 'Choose your region' (US, Canada, or Australia). Once you choose your region, a new page will appear prompting you to select your organization's name from the drop-down.
Once you select your organization name, click the purple ‘Connect’ button. You will then be directed back to the Zap builder and will see your organization's name available to select within the builder. Once you select your organization, click ‘Continue’.
Step 4: Setup Action
Once your organization is connected, you will be prompted to set up your Action. This is where you will match the information coming in from the external platform (your Trigger) to fields in Keela. The module will show you the available fields in Keela and the drop-downs will allow you to select the incoming information from your external platform.
Below are the Keela fields available in Zapier that you can link with incoming information from your external platform.
Individual Contact Fields:
- Primary Email
- First Name
- Last Name
- Origin ID
- Priority
- Subscription Status
- Solicitation
- Phone
- Birth date
- Address - Street, Unit, City, Postal/Zip, State/Province, Country
- Company
- Household
- Tags
- Social Media - Website, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube
- LinkedIn, Instagram
One-time Transaction Fields:
- Transaction Amount
- Date Received
- Contact Name
- Primary Email
- Impact Area
- Campaign
- Sources
- Soft Credits
- Soft Credit Amounts
- Dedication
- Notes
- Payment Method - Accepted values: Cash, Check, Cheque, Credit Card, Online, Externally via Stripe, Externally via PayPal, Bank Transfer/EFT, Other
- Field Replacement Logic - If the contact already exists in Keela, choose what you would like to do with this incoming information.
Note that we will continue to enhance the integration with Zapier to add more available fields to sync from external platforms into Keela!
Step 5: Test Action
Once you link your fields, the next step allows you to ‘test’ your Action. It will pull an example from the Trigger platform and show how it will fill in the Keela fields. If you get a ‘Troubleshoot Error’ a prompt will appear showing you which fields need to be adjusted.
Step 5: Publish Action
After testing your Action, you will see the button to ‘Publish Action’. Once you publish your action, the workflow is turned on.
FAQ: Can Zapier retroactively pull in information from a platform into Keela (i.e. historical data)?
Managing Zaps
All of your Zaps can be found on your Zapier account home page. To manage a Zap > click on the Zap from the home page. From here you can:
- View the details of your Zap
- Toggle your Zap on/off
- Edit your Zap: note you can edit a Zap while it is toggled on, the edits will be in draft format until you publish the updated version; this way you do not lose critical information.
Head to Zapier's articles on Managing Zaps and Editing Zaps for more information.